Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rohan Online Guide - Game Controls

Keyboard Controls

F1: Self-select.
F2 to F6: Sort between party members to choose a party member.
F11: Screen shots.
F12: Screen invisible obstacle.
End: Character and nearby NPC selection.
Insert, Delete: Quick Switch to order slot.
Shift +1 to 6: The number of each slot Quick Switch.
Home: Choose nearby enemy.
C: Character status open. The name, race, occupation, level, equipment, and status
I: Inventory
S: Skills List
Q: Quest window
A: Quick Slot
P: Open Party Window. Expell or invite party members. Can view additional information.
G: Guild / windows unity. Verification Guild and the unity of the state.
F: Individual store window. The name of the item you are selling can also be searched.
D: Basic operating windows. Automatic attack, sit down, pick up, greeting, and work.
T: Call GM
Y: Open bulletin board.
O: Options Window. Various settings can be adjusted
Z: Sit, stand.
R: Back to the character selection screen.
Ctrl + left click: Forced attack (PK).
Tab: Hide Interface
Enter: Enter chat.
Esc: Close window.
PageUp and PageDown:
NumLock: Automatic behavior.
BS: change the camera perspective.
Venues: pick up.

Mouse Controls

Left click: Move, attack, determination, and choice.
Right click: Merchants use a variety of menu.
Wheel: Zoom in and out.
Click the left and right: Automatic (default?) behavior.

Credits: Caezius from MMOSite

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